
The Expanding Techniques System is helping chiropractors help more patients with greater purpose and certainty than ever before.

Learn the Kennedy Decompression Method. With decompression therapy, patients with chronic neck and back pain have a drug-free alternative to opioids and surgery.

Learn the OTZ Method to the practice. Famed for treating frozen shoulders, OTZ works with the cascade of conditions that are associated with altered function of the Vagus Nerve including digestive, respiratory, elimination and reproductive complaints.

Learn the how to add Sigma Instrument’s Ultralign Adjusting Instrument the practice. The instrument uses technology to help identify and correct joint dysfunction. And it makes patient education a snap.

Learn how your practice can be more profitable than ever before and how you can practice less stress and more fun than ever before! Get some real help in managing your growing practice from Breakthrough Coaching.

Learn about Regenerative Medicine including stem cells, growth factors and exosomes to reverse osteoarthritis and speed ligament healing in a day hands-on of training for MDs, PAs, and RNPs.  

Seminar Agenda

Friday, March 9th

4:30-5:00 PM


5:00-7:30 PM

Top Ten Active Care Procedures to Grow Your Practice - Dr. Mark Sanna

Saturday, March 10th

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Registration Desks Open 

Breakthrough Coaching - Chiropractic Assistant Track 

Breakthrough Coaching Members are consistently among the highest earners in their professional communities. They have increased income, decreased stress, and more free time to pursue those activities that they enjoy the most.

8:30 AM -9:00AM

Meet Dr. Mark Sanna & The Symposium Team Teachers Your introduction to the Million Dollar Circle and the team of teachers ready to help you expand your practice. 

9:00 AM -10:30AM

Wendy Lee: Practice Compliance Training Made Easy Losing sleep because you're not sure if your practice could pass a Compliance Audit? Our turnkey system makes OIG Compliance a snap!

10:50 AM -12:00 PM 

Dr. Mark Sanna: Chiropractic Family Feud: What Every Practice Team Member Should Know Here is your chance to match wits with some of the brightest minds in Chiropractic. Got game? Play to win.

12:00 PM -1:00 PM 

Lunch is provided for all Symposium Attendees 

1:00 PM -2:30 PM 

Dr. Morgan Mullican: The First 30 Days: You Never Get a Second Chance What to tell patients after their ROF and before their first re-exam to make sure they follow through with care.

3:00 PM -5:00 PM 

Technique Experts Panel Discussion & Technique Hands-on Break Outs (Million Dollar Circle)

3:00 PM -4:15 PM 

Wendy Lee: Your Launchpad—Energized & Effective Team Meetings Specific strategies for organizing team meetings that will enable you to achieve dramatic improvements in performance, productivity and profitability.

4:15 PM -5:00 PM 

Wendy Lee: Join Your Practice Team in The Million Dollar Circle This is your opportunity to be inspired by some of the finest chiropractors in the profession.

Sigma Instruments (Hands-on Certification)

Fast Track to Chiropractic Mastery & Practice Success with Instrument Adjusting

The trend toward instrument adjusting continues to grow in popularity among chiropractors, and it is now commonly used in practices, second only to Diversified technique. Adding instrument adjusting to your toolkit is the foundation of a science-based, reproducible patient experience.

8:00 AM -12:00 PM

Sigma Instruments Hands-on Certification: Dr. Steve Arculeo

12:00 PM -1:00 PM

Lunch is provided for all Symposium Attendees 

1:00 PM -5:00 PM

Sigma Instruments Hands-on Certification: Dr. Steve Arculeo

KDT Decompression (Hands-on Certification)

The Most Comprehensive Clinical Education In Decompression Therapy Available!

Louis D'Amico, D.C., R.Ph, BS Pharm - Brings fresh clinical experience to the 2018 KDT Seminar Series including the new Technique Symposiums. Dr. D'Amico has nearly 20 years of decompression traction experience.

What is Decompression Therapy?  

Mechanism of Action, Traction VS. Decompression:

How to get Decompression Patients? Patient Classification Science and Research Studies Indications/Contraindications Movement Disorder/Form Closure Synergy Response Decompression Physiotherapy Modalities (US, Electrotherapy &&Laser) Marketing Strategies /Website Construction Billing/ROI Implementation Cervical Decompression  

Decompression Success:  

Education means better patient outcomes! Build confidence in your knowledge of decompression! Demonstrate your commitment to your practice! Increase your referral rates! Access our extensive library of research and clinical insights! Become part of a well accepted group bringing decompression into the main stream of Chiropractic!

8:30 AM -12:00 PM

KDT Decompression Hands-on Certification: Dr. Louis D'Amico

12:00 PM -1:00 PM

Lunch is provided for all Symposium Attendees 

1:00 PM -5:00 PM

KDT Decompression Hands-on Certification: Dr. Louis D'Amico

OTZ Health Education Systems (Hands-on Certification)

OTZ Methods has developed a brand of observation and approach called "Top Down Analysis," which involves correction of the occipital-atlanto subluxation and moves down sequentially through the spine.

8:30 AM -12:00 PM

OTZ Hands-on Certification: Dr. Francis Murphy

12:00 PM -1:00 PM

Lunch is provided for all Symposium Attendees

1:00 PM -5:00 PM

OTZ Hands-on Certification: Dr. Francis Murphy

Sunday, March 11th

Breakthrough Coaching 

8:00 AM -10:00 AM

We Reconvene The Million Dollar Circle This session will provide an opportunity to refresh your newly learned technique skills with a fresh focus on how to attract more new patients than ever before with cutting edge marketing and practice building strategies.

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Dr. Mark Sanna: Certificate Ceremony 

10:45 AM -12:00 PM

Dr. Mark Sanna: Meet the Experts: Special Session for Doctors & Staff We'll answer your questions on marketing, coding, compliance, patient finances and patient care procedures. 

12:00 PM -12:30 PM

Breakthrough Commitment Session

KDT Decompression (Hands-on Certification)

KDT teaches spinal decompression as an evidenced-based treatment for low-back pain with referral. The focus is on clinical skills and is not machine dependent.

8:00 AM -12:30 PM

KDT Decompression Hands-on Certification: Dr. Louis D'Amico

Call 1-800-729-8922 to register by phone or for Seminar details!